MARTIAL ART - Softcover Edition


All the great pictorial content of the hardback in a uniquely designed softcover edition. Loaded with high quality scans of the original posters Worth has compiled in his multi decade long collection along with his brief commentary on each one. Page count to be determined.

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All the great pictorial content of the hardback in a uniquely designed softcover edition. Loaded with high quality scans of the original posters Worth has compiled in his multi decade long collection along with his brief commentary on each one. Page count to be determined.

All the great pictorial content of the hardback in a uniquely designed softcover edition. Loaded with high quality scans of the original posters Worth has compiled in his multi decade long collection along with his brief commentary on each one. Page count to be determined.


No artificial flavors. No added sugar. Just Kung Fu.

  • Page Count: 130-175 Pages
